Thursday, June 28, 2007

Quilt Inspectors

rocket man Thought I would share pictures of my Quilt Inspectors.


While searching for pictures and such for my FF [flashback friday] for this week, I came across this...This place is in Emeryville, which is below Berkeley. My mom and dad moved to a condo in Emeryville, after 30 years living in the hills. In the movie Cars, theres a shot of a sign that reads "Welcome To Emeryville" and every time I see it I think, nahhhhhhh can't be MY Emeryville. But it is!!! WAYYYYYYYY cool.

Flashback Friday [on Thursday]

Stephanie, my RocketScientist, and I went to the Bookmobile yesterday and the librarian and I got to talking about old library buildings, because he is going to go work at the one in Tacoma.

Boy did I get smacked upside the head with a memory....I remember the children's book floor in the Berkeley California main library. I remember the wood...shelves, benches, railings that 'divided' up areas. I even remember the smell of that wood and the books! I also remember my mom reading Curious George and Madeline books to me. We went to the library a lot!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Good Day Moon

The moon looked so cool thru the clouds and surrounded by our trees. I doctored the pic a bit so you could see what it was ;)
This is Ashley when she was shorter. I think was BS [before Stephanie], but I do know it was taken by a friend who was taking a photography class.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Fridge doors

Look at this. It's a painting on/for fridge doors.
Granted I am not a chicken person, but this is so cool. I can picture it with other weathered wood, say on the doors of the cupboards.If clicking the pic doesn't take you to the web site, try this

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Happier Note....

This dinner plate size remote was made by Steph for her dad on dads day, I kept forgetting to include it here. It was a brownie and she added p-b cups to it. She found the recipe at Look at the Rocket Man
I came into the room and found him cutting this yellow fabric!
[he forgot to wash his feet]

Todd Stories

Christine asked me to tell stories about Todd the Dog. I don't really know many stories, but I do know he was a happy dog. Was always happy to see you, and was very happy to have you throw the ball for him....he even brought it back to you! First dog I have ever been 'related' to who actually brought the ball back to you.

He also got in a few good licks on the 2 biggger dogs who were ganging up on him....again! Unfortunately, this time, he lost the fight....the other 2 started a tug of war with him.

When I got to Bens, after a frantic call from him, as he wasn't home, I found the neighbor all distressed and she pointed to where Todd lay in the grass. After getting past the first moments of finding out he was dead, I got concerned for the neighbor. Bad health. She had done her best to stop the fight, threw rocks, yelled, but didn't try to jump into the meley like Ben would have, luckily.

Sad, sad, sad.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

RIP Todd

Ben and Kacies dog, Todd-ald-ald-a-ler
May you be just as loving and fun in your next life, but big enough to kick butt on the bigger dogs!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Flashback Friday

Where's the Bear? There's the Bear!
One summer in the late 1960's, Mom, Dad and I went camping in
I know there are some wonderful sights there, but here is what I remember the most.....the campfire smoke in Tuolumne Meadows.
Getting sick to my stomach and sleeping in the station wagon with mom.
Thats about it.

I was told....I missed the Bear.
Mom was disturbed by something, looked out the car window, and saw a Bear poking his head into the tent where Dad slept. [old, old tent, no zippers]
Then the Bear ambled over to the car and looked in the window, after rooting around the picnic table, of course. Mom was to worried about me waking up to piss her pants, or we both would have.
I believe Dad slept thru the whole thing.

I know I did!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Thin Fabric

I love this print...I got here
But it's not a very good fabric. It's thin, not thick like this one of the fish.
I have also had cutting trouble with it....I cut it all wrong, so stitch me.
I ordered more. I cut into the new chunk, and then needed the first chunk to complete the second-chunk-cut.....I had forgotten I had washed the first chunk, but not the second. The shrinkage is alot! almost 3 inches.
And I am having trouble sewing it. Oh well, I will do what I can with it and see if enough of it works in the pattern [one block wonder-stack n whack like the fish fabric] and if not, I have a lot of wide strips I can combine with something else to make a striped quilt. Simple.
BTW....this faish fabric is awesome to work with, thick and workable.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Day....Sad Moment

Happy Fathers Day
Dan got breakfast made for him by his girlies.
Ok, the girlies are 19 and 16, safe to let loose in the kitchen,
older than the word "girlies" implys.
Ben came by, our number one son.
Ok, he's our only son, sheesh.....can I get on with this?
During the visit he mentioned Iraq.
Men he knew who had died these last several weeks, there in Iraq.
Men he was in the Army with, stationed here in Washington State at Fort Lewis.
Men he knew who are on the injured list.
Men he would have been along side of when the tank got blown away.
The tank he should have been in.
I cried. I am crying now.

Thank You for the comments

Ok, I admit, I love getting sure what a "commet" is, maybe a really BIG COMET?

Anyway...Alexis thinks Will Ferrel...Ferral....whatever....she thinks he's funny. Gag me with a BBQ fork. Megan, the 2 year old wonder who runs this place on her days here, has a Curious George movie. I was ok with it until I read the blurb to see who the voices are........gag....retch....when Meg wanted to play with the dvd, I was like..."go ahead, make my day, ruin the damn thing so I can chuck it in the trash" But NOOOOOOOOOOOOO-ooooooooooooo the damn thing still works. And to top it off....Drew Barrymore is another voice.....I may have to ruin the damn thing myself.

Sorry Alexis. Now....lets talk about Georgie.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Me or Not Me

me not me
menot me
menot meme not memenot me
not me me
not me
NOT me
NOT me
NOT me

Homework over summer

Steph gets out of school next Wed. Would have been today, but we had 'snow days' which around here should be called 'blow days' because it's because of a wind storm.
Anyway. She brought home a heavy book today. Chemistry. Next years Chemistry. She has homework to do this summer. And a test on the FIRST DAY of school in Sept.
Aint easy bein' a rocket scientist. And still in high school.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Flashback Friday

One summer my older brother was into surfing. So every weekend we all piled into the station wagon, drove out to the coast, and spent the day in the sand and sun while my brother surfed. This is a picture of Santa Cruz, CA which is around the area we would go.
It was usually foggy and I got sunburned.
Just like mama always said.
{my brother may have been into it longer than one summer, but you would have to ask him....LOL}
The car picture is after a long google search, can't find the exact one, but I do remember it had a seat facing the back. And it was the first car I ever drove.
Maybe it was the van we had before the station wagon. Ours was blue, but looked just like this one.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

She just loves bein'a girl....

Megan. Age 2. Applies own makeup.
Oh No! There are holes in my quilt!
Have No Fear, stichr dear, all will be well, when next you dwell.
{well, I had-ta rhyme, right?}

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Wall Of Weird addition

I was at the Bookmobile earlier today and this ratty ole car passed by with about 16 antenna's of various makes and models sticking out all over it. Wonder what he was paranoid about?
The librarian and I decided he was waiting for the all clear from outer space.
And yes, we need a new BM.
i keep waiting for the raffle donation request for a quilt....

Friday, June 08, 2007

Flashback Friday

Hey look, I'm doing this ON friday.

Skunks. We had 'em in Berkeley. My dad came out into the living room one evening. He had been lying down and saw a black tail go by. Thought it was our cat, took a second look and decided to quietly leave the room!! The skunk finally left the house w/o making a stink, thank you, but AFTER taking a nap. I kid you not, that skunk found a nice spot in the hallway, curled up and took a little snooze.

Our bathroom had windows floor to ceiling. We left the bottom window open for the cat. Thats how the skunk got in and out too.


The different fabrics people choose for the One Block Wonders & Stack 'n Whack methods of piecing just give me a chuckle. I go for the bright fabrics, of course, but I do like other peoples choices too, because it 'says' a lot about that person. Should probably say 'woman' because I haven't come across a man who does this kind of quilting....yet.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Color Corner

I noticed yesterday that this corner of my sewing area sure looked colorful! Fabrics on the right, Perle cottons-in-a-basket on the left. [the white is elastic holding a plastic sheet over the balls of thread, i plan to change that stark white] Not to mention, you can't see the layer, very thick layer, of orange fur on the Airplane quilt. But I didn't mention that....guess i should have blurred out the bulletin board.... Those are words on the front of the fabric buckets ["shoe" box size]. Some of the buckets hold 2 or more colors, so I decided to put labels on ALL the buckets. These hold pieces that are 1/2 yard or less. Sometimes WAY less.
I was trying to figure out lighting for this area. DUH, I have a "med light" that gives me full spectrum lighting, and brightens things up! Haven't got it in a good place yet, but I will.
And here is my .99 cent Goodwill purchase of the month. It was a lid holder? Like this one, sorta Anyway, Sweets cut it down for me, and put the halves side by side to make it wider for the rulers and stuff. Works perfectly~! thanks Sweets~! And this is a WTF picture....Its my bedroom curtain[s] I made them from muslin, heavy, like canvas, stuff. That left them natural colored. That was BORrrrr-ING. So I got some Dylon from Wal-Marche and dyed them in the wash machine....along with some faded bath towels....brightened things up! Course you will have to take my word for it....this picture is dull...but you can see my pink wall in this picture.

Saturday, June 02, 2007


fondling/inhaling/stroking/holding= FISH
this came in from Big Horn Quilts yesterday
[it's a Robert Kaufman, Native Arts, Sunset leaves]
I want to use it for another One Block Wonder before I have to return the book to the library. I think I need my own copy of this book.

Road Signs

Susan has seen one road called Silly Mountain Rd. which was fitting for a dirt road going up least one way....hahaha.

I saw a new street sign on an old road, Yellow Brick Rd. My guess is the Scarecrow bought the lot that was for sale at the top of the hill, cuz the Cowardly Lion would never have braved the potholes on that one.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Flashback Friday

While taking Steph to school this morning, not a normal thing, she bribed me...Anyway , on the way I was looking at street signs, which I like to do now and then because you might see an unusual name...and so I did! Clever.
Reminded me of a town name I have always liked.

I made the signs up in Paint...Clever huh?