Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Dressed For The Occasion

Our youngest daughter works in a pediatrician's office, so they get to dress up for many events.  This time one of the doctors went as Cruella de Vil, so the 'girls' went as the pups!
[playboy bunny ears turned down for puppy]
Son as Santa
#6 as a furry pink creature. If it has a name, I don't know it.
Her mama, the Butterfly.
Random pic of Donald...on a rock.
[via my man]
Where my SIL works, the whole staff went all out!  I don't know if they do this every year, but it sure was something to liven up the day.
He went as a bearded dragon??
#1 and #2 were at mom's for the occasion, and they are on the left. But I couldn't resist including the pic of them with mom and 2 others. 
For #5, her mama had already made a collage.  Meow meow.
#3 as Abby Sciuto because she loves science too!
And #4 as....I forgot to ask...
Mama was a bumble bee, or so it looks like.
 As for me...I stayed home. 
I did on Oct. 31, 1987 also. 
My friends took my son out around town. [we lived in a small town then].
Why do I remember this? 
Because I gave birth to that bumble bee
 the next day!!!
Must have been all the chocolate.

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