Thursday, October 26, 2017

In The Last Month....

A Girl and A Wooly/Fuzzy Bear
One day in the Neighborhood....
....a house, in 2 parts, was pulled down the road....
...for a woman to replace her shoe her old one....
Seriously though, this woman and her husband have been working towards this day for 3 or 4 years!  They haven't been able to move into it yet, but it's here!
The Bride and Groom had a House Warming party. So I left them a gift on their bed. I'm not sure if I am done with it yet, but I signed it and gave it anyway. 
I think it will go nicely with top wall color...They don't care for the bottom color, but are tired of painting for this year.
if you click to enlarge, you will see my signature in the r. bottom corner
This months stitching's have been with yarn and hook. This is now a rug. That I want to add to....since I have more of the yarn. It's a cotton yarn that isn't soft and cuddly.  But works for a rug.
Then with Dan's birthday coming [now gone by], I decided to crochet a pair of slippers for him, since I already had the yarn.  They are rather goofy looking, though they keep his feet warm.  But...he doesn't care for the texture of the crochet on the bottom of his feet when he walks in them.  
On the camera....a bunch of pictures...of What???
Turns out I was trying to get a shot of a moth on the window.  The close-up of it is the blur against the green tree.  Go ahead and laugh. I did.
On the 12th day of October, the Jet Stream brought to me...
Thunder and Hail.  So very loudly!  
And it was just a swath of the area, wild.
More crocheting.  I had started a really, really long strip last year that I was going to use for a garland. Did not like it, put it away.  Came across it and decided to re-work it into another rug. As I was doing just that, I realized it might work on the dust mop as a wet-mop thing. I was right, works great.  If you make one yourself, make it smaller than the mop head, as you can see, it was a bit big, and got really loosey-goosey when it was wet. Still worked though.
Next...I had made a hat for my SIL with this yarn, thought I would make a scarf for my daughter. Wrong!  The yarn had broken ply's in so many spots there were more knots than not.  I threw it away.
I have had this ball of soft colorful yarn for a few years now. Nothing I made with it looked quite right...see the star? and how the colors are just out of whack?
Well....Then one day I started up with this green yarn, thinking another mop thing.  But the stitch I was using, sc ch 1, was increasing to much. Made a twirl.
Which led me to the rainbow yarn....which made me think of Unicorn Tails.
Which made me search for other colors of yarn in my stash.
I don't have a picture yet of a completed 'tail' because they aren't there yet.
But that is how the Unicorn Tails came to be.
They will be given to our grand girls as tree ornaments.
Magic.  It's all Magic.

1 comment:

  1. You have been busy. I haven't crocheted in since the summer of 2016. It has my GO TO stress therapy when friends or family are sick. I think subconsciously I think of it as what I do while visiting in hospitals. I need to shake that, lol. Our weather is turning cold now. South Bend had flurries last night so I guess snow on the ground is not far off. I started covering windows with clear plastic to get ready for the cold and dug out our winter comforter.

    Our winter weather forecast for Northern Indiana is probable normal temperatures with above normal precipitation..meaning lot of snow. I'll be staying in!
    xx, Carol
