Friday, February 03, 2017

Scrappy Things & Patches 61 to 64

A scrap of paper my mom had made a note on.  She made notes like these all the time to share with us.  It also made her a good Jeopardy player.
I finished this cloth, scraps gathered together to take to the hospital to work on while waiting for Dan to have his heart examined.
I added a stick that I had been saving.  This one has no meaning to it at all...just a plain ole stick, except for the fact that I had saved it.
 (yes I have sticks that have been saved that have meaning)

click to enlarge

I left this flap free to flap.  
I had torn the scrap for weaving other scraps. decided not to this time.

I even added a line of satin stitch between scraps. 
Here is the Daily Patch calendar page for Jan. 
Not mentioned is the days are getting longer!!!!
And Patches 61 to 64. 64 was G H day, Feb. 2, not a Beatles song.
The 62 patch was an odd shaped piece to fill an odd shaped area. Makes me think of the Sydney Opera House.
If you enlarge the picture, you will notice the letters I stitched in. ??
I have had this 9 patch scrap around for a long time. Not stitched.
I just had a need to work on It, on any It, that day.
Maybe it will become something other than an It.

1 comment:

  1. I was so excited to see the little stick in your patch! I have a little stick which I sewed to my story cloth. I must post it on my blog. There is just something special about "found" items! Blessings.
