Thursday, December 08, 2016

Daily Patch 5 to 8

As I was working on Patch 7 yesterday, I later noticed I had stitched a heart inadvertently while meandering in and out. I was working on it when my daughter's dear BF texted to see if I was home, and not to tell Steph he was stopping by.  Oh the things that go through a mother's head...a big gift?  a puppy?  a fish? to ask us if he, surely not that. So I stitched as I waited.
Here he is talking to my husband, who was shopping, of course. 
And as I am sure you guessed, She Said Yes.
Asking for our blessing was so sweet of him!! 
It was after he left that I found the heart.  Here is the back of the whole work so far, because so many of us like to see the back.
click to enlarge
And day 8.  I love the textures all the stitching is creating!
Normally I don't use a hoop...but it was there.
It is snowing at the moment....outside.
It has been cold.  
Water bowl outside is growing a stalagmite....or is it a stalactite?

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