Friday, June 03, 2011

Woven Cloths

I think this one is done. I like the look of it hanging between these drifted pieces of wood.
Made from Mom's favorite shirt, cloths Steph had dyed, and torn strips from my nieces shirt worn in India.  Buttons from moms shirt, and other found things.  That thing in the left corner is a moose head from a bobble thing.  I tossed the body...after the dogs chewed it up.
Below is something I wove up last night in a nano moment.
The bottom layer is dyed batt. {below} Just basted down for the moment....stitching to come.  I found more buttons from moms shirt to add as 'pine cones'. {can you see the tree?}
As I was working on this, my friend came to help...I had to push her fur out of the way....


  1. Love the piece hanging from the drift wood.
    And that new weaving is so joyful with these bright colours! (I too have that fabric you used as a backing ;-)!!!)

  2. I think the nano cloth looks like a Christmas tree....

  3. P.S. I think the arrow heads are an interesting thought...they're heading somewhere...

    I also think the knots on the end of the strips are interesting too...

    All knotted up and not quite sure you know where to go but you think you should be going somewhere....

