Our tree, made by me and a damaged tree. My Home Warming Quilt made by friends for our house here.
Stephanie made the hanging clips on the crooked stick so quilts will hang fairly straight....provided I get the quilt made less crookedly.
One of the stockings my grandmother made in 1957...not positive on the year, only that it was made for me and I wasn't born until the last day of the year 1956.
The sequins have lost a little luster....but the lights make it glow.
So, for Xmas this year we had the girls open our gifts for them on the 23rd since they were going to moms for the 25th.
Megan J. {5 years old} in blue, Lily J.{2.5} in white and Rhiley Y.{1.5} in pink.
My moms walker is a joy ride in disguise.
The other stocking made by my grandmother around the same time as the first. When I was old enough to cut my name from felt, I added it to this stocking. Oh, and the little bow came from some gift at some point, but the other things are all original.
This mess came from the pantry when Dan and Ben made new shelves for it.
It had the white wire shelves that are no good for a pantry. The OSB board will by covered by some white plastic-y /laminate-y stuff when we get some.
So I saw a commercial, probably Target, with a sock monkey ornament in it....said I wanted one, out loud. So #1 son Ben went looking for a sock monkey and found this large one....then Ashley and Steph found the small one...I added the yarn-gathered-t-shirt to make this a girl monkey. I will add earrings when I happen to look for them.
Now we move onto today....the day before my birthday, otherwise known to the rest of the planet as New Years Eve.
Ashley and Danny came over with....
....things to make noise....
....and a card that mooooooo's....
Rhiley had it's little trick for making moo's figured out right off the batt.
Happy Birthday, Vicky. The whole world will be celebrating with you tonight.