Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Preschool and College

Stephanie starts classes at College today....but in this shot she is at the beach. Why? Because Mama isn't at school with her to take the first day of school picture!
And Megan started preschool yesterday! You go girls!
Lily has a few years before she gets to go too.
Megan is doing fabulous after her tonsil-adenoid-eartube-ecc-ta-me. [hey, if i'm gonna mislpell, i might as well do it obviously]
It dawned on me last night that she must have had a constant headache from all the gunk building up in her nasal area. She has a whole new voice too, instead of the nasal-ily scratchy voice she had for months. Monday night Family was very enjoyable and hardly stressful at all now that we don't have to yell for Megan to hear us. How do parents of deaf children do it?

The deer is all stitched on and the chipmunks are added to another area, pix later.

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating. Sounds like there have been some unexpected bonuses from the tonsil removal.
