On the baby news front page
"Lily Has A Tooth", byline Grandma Davis
This reporter was in the right place yesterday to discover that Lily Mae has a tooth coming through! Lily's mother exclaimed, "No way!". But it's true folks, Lily is getting chompers. Couldn't get her to look into the camera, not like you could really see the tooth anyway.

While here for a while yesterday, Ashley mentioned that doing cross stitch would be fun to do while watching tv in the evening. Boy did I jump on that in a heart beat! I let her take the box of threads, some Aida cloth I had, needles, and a pattern I had found for free online. I can't find the many magazines I have had for years....think I may have finally given them away. Think I would remember something like that....sheesh! I may not let her Keep the box of threads, but I sure could share! Maybe I will get her to start knitting again too! She learned in high school and made quite a few scarves.
Maybe I can get the girls to have a 'crafting bee' here with me once a week...month....?? Get Kacie here too. Maybe Mom can show Ashley some knitting tricks even if Ashley doesn't want to knit seriously.
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