Thursday, January 10, 2008

PineLake update 3

Hey ya'll~ any of you have a piece of novelty fabric with a trout on it?? Wanna share a fish?
The crooked path is stitched down and I have started a rocky area. That side of the 'bushes' in front of the A-frame ended in an abrupt seam line, of course, so I had to soften it, and what better to soften something with than a rock? If you squint just right, you might see my needle stuck in the rock....I want to soften that area between the 3 trees and the lake. Maybe with a row boat? More rocks? A trout wouldn't look right in that spot.
The fabric for the 'bushes' is a lettuce [?] print from a while back. I might add more batt to the back of some parts to make individual bushes stand out more.


  1. It's looking great. The rock was inspired! I don't know about a boat. I thought of a dock, but that would look silly backing into the trees. Maybe a bush or two, with some embroidered or silk ribbon wildflowers scattered around them?

  2. I have (I think) 8" trout on a black background that you could applique or fuse. Are they too big, lol? I will scan it if you want. You're MORE THAN welcome to this silly fabric, I have NO CLUE how I came up with it in my stash. You maybe could put in the border, you know, the one that "got away"?

  3. I think I have some fabric with trouts on a black background.
    the fish are about 3" long. I will check when I get back home. I'll scan and send.

  4. Anyway say Trout? You ladies are wonderful! I would like to have both , if that's ok, so I can compare size...on the quilt of course, and I love the idea of the 'one that got away' Q-F!! I really like your idea, Susan, of flowers...ohohoho....maybe the small pine cones I have [on a couple of fabric pieces] scattered among some rocks, and a boat on the edge of the lake....

    Thank You you creative peoples!
