Tuesday, January 08, 2008

bye bye bathtub

The corner tub in the master bath has been removed. Dan took it out yesterday. We will put up a half wall about where you see the plumbing, and other remodel stuff, like painting the walls. This is going to be my sunroom! The windows are frosted, but we will eventually get clear glass. But they let in a lot of light as it is, so I will be able to see what I am hand stitching. We aren't tub people, and if we were, we would want to replace this tub with something more jet set for sure. This tub was plastic. It's bottom support? Stryofoam....I kid you not! And the corner seat in the tub....it was 'supported' by a pvc pipe TAPED to the underside!!!!!!!!!!! Sheesh!

That cool swag, which would be more showy if you clicked the pix, was in Ashleys room for years until we moved. She put it there to keep it 'safe' when we were moving in.....hasn't moved an inch. I really like it, so I will include it in the remodel.


  1. What a lovely spot to hand stitch. Great light and a view.
    I think you can never have too many windows in a house.

  2. You are going to stitch in the bathroom? I'm not seeing this picture. =)

  3. Susan...yes I will sit in the bathroom...I will be like a small window seat area....

  4. I put a live picture link to your remodeling project on my blog today. I'm so inspired.
