Monday, October 15, 2007

Lots of Stuff

First~ Get Well Soon Chris! My MIL was 9-11'ed to the hospital this morning for something that started as a headache. No more info, the caller didn't even know which hospital she was taken to. But that mystery has been solved, now for the test results.....

In the mean is the only picture of Stephanie taken on her birthday! I took this for her friend who had given her the marshmallow's weird to bite into a brown burger pattie that tastes like strawberries.... Happy Birthday Steph! [the big 17!!]
Ashley went to a friends yesterday to carve pumpkins and this is what she did....awesome! They cut out the bottom of the pumpkin instead of cutting out the top area. Good idea.
Cat Got Your Mouse? Mine did.
I realize this picture doesn't look like much....yet....but....I got help yesterday with some 'landscaping'. Ashley is now dating a young man we have all known since they were in preschool together. He was a sweet shy boy who is now a sweet not so shy young man. He was also very kind enough to move all these heavy blocks for me. ....
oh, and the big rock at the end of the row. These blocks of cement were left here from the previous owners, they were used as piers under the manu. home that used to be here. [that house was demolished before we bought the property] The railing is on the front door porch. Humm.....trash has been picked up, wonder if the recycle truck has been here too? Landscaping ideas are: 1. to add 2 more trees to that red one, at least one other fall color type. 2. to use the blocks as a 'retaining wall' sort of thing. I want to curve it down near the pond, take out the lawn.....well, thats the current idea.....

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