Thursday, July 12, 2007

Kind Words

Pix taken last week.
Thank You all for your kind words to Steph....the bugger....she's doing much better! As soon as we quit giving Steph the pain pills, she improved. I don't think her wisdom teeth were as difficult to remove as others have been. Her sister, Ashley, can't believe how easy this was for Steph, when she had nothing but pain a misery for a week.

Was hot here yesterday, something like 95....I slept thru it. I don't do hot well. But Ashley must thrive on it....she was bopping around doing things outside and in, including putting more water in the neighbors dogs water bucket. He had water, but it had gotten warm, of course, so the cool water was appreciated.

If it works, I have a couple of pix to share. Ashley bought a tent. What do you do with a new tent? You set it up, of course. RocketMan even tried it out. That Cat.
And the Pond pic....yes the girlies are wearing sunscreen, can't you see it???? This is the fountain-pond that came with the property. We cleaned it out and now Meg-a-roo thinks it's a play area, so what the heck. We need to get new fountain works anyway, so play away Megan! There are 2 levels to it, so the water in the lower level is about 3 inches, perfect for a toddler to play in.

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