Avery, for the family members that check in here to see these pix.
Below, 5 of 6 girls.
I find myself taking these kinds of pix every time they are here.
Here is #6 girl with her own girl....this is a school 'book report' project. Make a puppet of a person from a Folktale, so Megan picked our copy of Stone Soup. "She" is attached to a hanger to hang in the classroom. Meg and I had fun doing this, though Meg wanted to do more than just follow the instructions the teacher gave her. But that is how Megan is.
So what to do with dolls left on the couch dog bed? Lie on them of course.
Stitching. I have been working on the sky area of the Crane Prairie Res. -area-wall-fabric-piece I am working on.....
There are many many many different areas of Geology in Eastern Oregon, though you can't tell from this screen shot...Anyway, I am adding some of those parts of Geology everyone enjoyed seeing, climbing, driving on. I am also including flora and fauna...trees, frogs, lakes, flower, etc.
I have also started the holiday decor-ous around here. This tree 'quilt' was made and used in the RV for the Xmas Trip one year. The girls, Ashley and Stephanie who were teens at the time, didn't really care about presents, but they did want a tree. This isn't exactly what they were thinking of, but it was all we had room for.
But to use it this year, I decided it needed to be trimmed a bit.
It was a little over grown for the space it would occupy.
The fleecey batt was a little saggy at the bottom, so I gave it a few hand 'quilted' stitches to hold it up...
Now to let the girls decorate it. [Meg has already drawn a pic of santa, sleigh and reindeer, but you can't see it very well above the tree.]
View from my chair..
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