Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sketchbook Challenge Post #1

I am making the book for the challenge as part of my own challenge. Not sure if all will start out this way, but I hope so.
First photo of the first sketchbook.  This is the cover.  I started with saved cardboard from clothing/household items that we have purchased, and glued paper towels to all 4 sides of the cover and back pieces. 
"Highly Prized" is the 'theme' for this month. That is what is going into this sketchbook, things I prize highly.

*the paper towels were used by Stephanie when she was painting her room several years ago, they were too colorful to toss out!

*the rubber stamps were my dad's
front cover 
inside front cover
back cover side 1
back cover side 2

megan did the pt with pens, my mom did the tree with pastels and the pencil 'still life' 
i am using canvas for the pages in this book, which were originally used for covers on an ikea shelf.
leaf brought to me by megan, 'paper' from a wasp nest we happened to save. i accidentally cut the leaf in half...sheesh... 
made by ben in the long ago 
by steph a couple of years ago, i glued the drawing of the cat to the back of a 'marble' to magnify it a bit, as it does the fabric behind it, since the paper doesn't cover the whole back side.
size ref and a couple of other items that may make it into this book.  i made the apron years ago as a sample for full human sized ones. the sisters bag is from a fun special trip we made to the quilt show in....2000 ???

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