Friday, April 04, 2008

10 Minutes Every Day in March

{P.S. I will post more pix Saturday of WIPS that saw the light of inspiration during the dear month of March.}
I did needlework almost every day of March, as per the challenge Laura The Quilting Diva
came up with. March First is here, no sense in posting the same pix. And here are the pix of
Pine Lake and the stringer of fish.


  1. ::no sense in posting the same pix::

    Of course there is! Show off that lovely quilt! And (ahem) you finished that quilt on March 18th. So... show us what else you worked on. :o) We wanna see it all!

  2. I will be taking pix today in the daylight. I was having blogging problems last night, probably this cold I caught, it's spreading germs....So I will take gather the WIPS together, i even have them written down!!!
