This is the pine cone quilted-outlined. I did black stitching between scales-brackets-
apophysis {I Googled 'pine cone parts'. Generally I call those parts of the cone, "thingies". Works for me.} While doing the stitching, I also did the quilting, all in one fell swoop.

This is the back of the pine cone after quilting it. Trimming it. Taking many pictures of it. I used scraps of cotton batt, 2 layers. I will applique this to the quilt top {Pine Lake} Do I leave knots exposed on the back of my work? You bettcha! I have started doing pine needles, at the moment, they are just green embroidery lines. No pix yet.

I do have a picture with added comments, of another project in the works. I was given a bunch of batik scraps, I was inspired right then to sew, so I did. I also cut it in hafe, quilted it, left raw edges exposed, pounded in grommets, sewed on some beads, took some other beads off, ..... I can't had more to this comment because there isn't more, yet.

I wanted to give this to my brother and sister in law at Christmas, and tho they did drive 3 days to get here from the frozen northern reaches of Alberta, my brother was sick, so there was no visiting among us, do to the various germs we had here and not wanting to share them. So I am doing this project via e-mail with my sister in law, mostly, since she has the super fast computer at work, and the pix are better viewed giganto. SIL also asked if I wanted misc nature items from their area. You betchski!
Love the pine cone! The batik piece is interesting, too. I want to see more.