Monday, July 14, 2014

Rivers and Trees

I started yet another idea....I had this long piece of multi-colored damask I bought from Deb L. a few years ago.  I wasn't sure what to do with it at the time, but now I do. (it was part of a 'burrito' of different fabrics which is a fun fun fun way to get a variety)  Recently, Deb happened to post another damask in this Monet-ish dye 'pattern' and I passed it by because nothing sparked, pitty-patted, light-bulbed...
first 2 trees
...until a few days ago, out of the blue, WHAM....sparks, pitty-pats and light-bulbs flashed!!! But before hitting pay pal, I looked in my own stash....and there it was....a piece of multi-colored-spattered-damask just waiting for me to love on it.
first tree was the big one, but i didn't like it
I cut it in half since it was sooooo long, basted it to another soft fabric, probably tablecloth stuff too, got out some Silk scraps in blue and stitched them down.
I wasn't going to add trees, I thought, until I came up with another flash moment idea...weave.
possible waterfall?
I am loving my trees. I can smoosh the weave around a bit to make the 'trunk' look more single...but the wrapping of thread around the lower areas really pulls the trunk together.
All these ideas have come together from learning from Jude, Arlee, Deb L., Judy Martin
Just to name a few.


  1. That background fabric is perfect. Love what you're doing with your stitching. It is great that you are showing steps along the way instead of just what it looks like when it is done. It is so helpful for people like me to see the steps and see your creative process. Plus I love Monet.
