Tuesday, July 26, 2011


this amazing looking place is in China...can you imagine having this for a view??  i can!
 So on Sunday, we went to a GD [that's GrandDaughter, not god damned] birthday party. Not either of these 2 GD's, this is Lily, GD#2 and Avery, GD #4.  The party was for Rhiley, GD # 3.  I took the camera, but no batteries, so this is the only picture I got.  
I have done some stitching, but don't have pix.  Last week was a 'have the girls' week, so this week  I am having a ME week.  Laundry? if you insist.  Dishes? use your fingers.


  1. love both images and l agree with you and washing up! have a good ME week! I am frantically painting before l have my shoulder operated on next week and l will be out of action for weeks.....bummer as they say!x lynda
