Thursday, May 26, 2011

Small Cloths are Fun

This one is actually 2 pieces. {I am scanning as much of my work as I can now because it gives me a much better picture.  Now that I have a scanner.}
Anyway.  #1 is the Valori Wells print I have been snipping.  I liked the flower, but wasn't sure how to 'treat' it, until last night.  At the *'s you can see where I snipped and folded back the yellow to show the base fabrics behind. 
 #2 started out with scraps....that got lined up like a tree....then got fangs....and a yellow topknot.  #1 is not stitched at all yet, but you can see that #2 is basted. 
 I am doing the 'summer dye' of t-shirts and such. {Ben gets plain white T's for the girls, in multi-packs,  I dye them in fun colors}  I have also been tossing in some batt, string, fabric scraps, even a pair of shoes in the 'jeans blue' load.
Not sure if I showed you my black hole, on the larger cloth.  I also removed one of the 'drunkard path' scraps that I had above and to the right of the block hole.

1 comment:

  1. I'm liking your snipped holes on the polka dots and your layered tree standing tall next door. We're both enjoying holes at the moment!
