I invited Megan over for the afternoon and evening yesterday. Now that she is almost 5, I can almost keep up with her. Anyway, I discovered this morning that Megan had taken a few pictures yesterday.....{{{I am thankful my camera turns itself off!}}}}...This is what Meg was doing.....

and here is me....thank goodness this is blurry. am I on the PC also? why yes I am.
This shot sure makes it look like gads and gads of light comes in....and it does....I like having my chair in that corner.

Sewing. This is a WIP from wayyyyyyy back. For my niece the World Traveler.
Depression was making my world a lot slower for many years, that's why the lack of progress. Until Now.

The blocks are all Test Blocks I did for Marcia Hohn of the infamous Quilters Cache website!
I know the block in this right hand corner is called Compass Star because it has the name on the pattern pieces...and the Flying Geese were part of the pattern Windmill, but I split them up for this purpose.

And here is the back for now.....look at all that lovely paper to be removed!
I love this part. Seriously! I live the whole process of Paper Piecing because I can get points! Though I tend to run them over when sewing blocks together, but I know they were pointy at one...point. and if you want to see an old picture of me and a list of all the blocks I 'tested' for Marcia, go here. I have a binder fullllllll of pages of all the blocks. A lot of the blocks I made were given to friends and family. Like these will be.
The Crows are all sandwiched, basted and waiting for baking.
Quilting actually.
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