Friday, July 27, 2007

Flashback Friday and Fabric

25 years ago I had a root canal done to my #5 tooth. This last Monday I had that sucker yanked out! I took a picture to show you Mrs. Gap-osis, but the gap doens't show-osis. [my mom came up with the name] Cool! I figured it was ok to use this for FF because it was done long ago in a state far away....ok, California isn't that far from Washington State....
This is awesome fabric! I got it from eQuilter, it's called Harvest All-Leaf Cascade-Cream/gold. I may have to get more, this is wonderful for applique. I got the chipmunk fabric too because I have never seen them on fabric. I was hoping they were lager in scale, but say la vee. [that fabric is called 'Fall Chipmunks-natural'the website shows the gold touches better than mine does, but mine has a cracker to show the scale...
Window dressing.


  1. I hate root canals, and I've had plenty! Some days I think false teeth don't sound so bad!

    I love the leaf fabric. Are you going to applique the leaves on something, or applique something on this? The chipmonks are cute, too!

  2. i am using the leaves and the chipmunks for applique! love that leaves. i will share pix later, the items i am appliquing are for the pay it forward and i don't want to ruin the surprize.
